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Briefing: If you ask a law enforcement officer what they treasure most, you will get a variety of answers: family, retirement, pension, boats, guns, collections, etc. What is it that you treasure?

Dispatch (Assignment): Read Matthew 13:44-52. What is your treasure?

On the Street: Treasures and things of great value are the theme of this study. As I thought about this question, I considered all of the things I own. The one physical possession that I value above all others is my old beat up Bible. It has notes and thoughts contained on the pages from years of study that could never be replaced or duplicated.

Many people consider Jesus as their treasure but a deeper study of these verses reveals we are actually His treasure. We like to think it is us looking for Him when it is actually Jesus who is looking for us. He gave His all for you and me. He bought us with His blood.

If we are Christ followers, we have to live a reciprocal relationship with Him. He loved us so much that He gave up His life for us. We have to demonstrate that same kind of love for Him. Growing up in a Southern Baptist church, I remember singing all of the old hymns. One of my favorite was “I Surrender All”. This needs to be our battle cry, I surrender all! Jesus has to be so important in our lives that we are willing to sell off everything we have to be with Him.

Jesus’ disciples were mostly fishermen. They would have had a great appreciation for this comparison that Jesus uses of the fish in the net. Even though I’m not much of a fisherman, I understand the meaning of bad fish. This is a picture of judgment.

In the end, Jesus asks the disciples if they understand His analogies of what the kingdom of heaven is like. When they say yes, He tells them one more parable to consider. The disciples, as owners of houses, would have to be able to bring out old and new treasures. Their understanding of scripture and prophesy of Jesus as well as all the new lessons He has taught them. Later, Jesus will tell them that the Holy Spirit would remind them of all things that He had said to them.

Highlights from this Read: Verse 52 ends with Jesus speaking of new treasures. He was their new treasure as in verse 44. A good biblical reference of how not to prioritize your earthly possessions is in the story of the rich young ruler. He wanted to follow but not to the extent that he had to sell his earthly treasures (Luke 18:8-30).

Investigational Resources: Revelation 5:9 tells us that Jesus shed His blood for us. In Matthew 25:31-46, we see the story of the sheep and the goats. John 14:26 is the verse referring to the Holy Spirit teaching us all things and reminding us.

Officer Safety Principle: Jesus gave all for us, we have to give all for Him.

from The Gospel of Matthew Through the Eyes of a Cop
©by Charles Gilliland. Used by permission.
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