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About US

The North Florida Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers (FCPO) is Chapter 218 of the national FCPO ministry. We are comprised of members (current and retired) who represent all aspects of the criminal justice community, including local, state and federal agencies, their spouses and other family members within the greater Jacksonville metropolitan area.

Daily Scripture

  • 2 Thessalonians 1:3
    “[Thanksgiving and Prayer] We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.”

Bible Study Groups

Duval County Area

Nassau County Area

Clay County Area

St. Johns County Area

Daily Devotionals


Briefing: Have you ever tried to use reverse psychology on a suspect? Dispatch (Assignment): Read Romans 11:11-24. On the Street: Paul was an apostle sent to preach the good news of the gospel to the gentiles (a gentile was anyone who was not a Jew). He was passionate about the gentiles and had great love for them but he was a Jew. He had great sorrow over the Jews refusal to believe Jesus was th…

The Word and the Sword

Briefing: In our training as law enforcement officers, we are taught to use our words long before we use our weapons. On the street, officers learn their verbal skills directly impact how often they have to use their physical skills. These two skill sets go hand and hand. Dispatch (Assignment): Read Psalm 149. On the Street: Psalm 149 can be looked at through the lens of the Christian law enforce…

Hiding Your Faith

Briefing: Are you ashamed of being a law enforcement officer? Do you hide your profession from your friends and family? How about your faith? Do you hide your faith in Jesus from anyone? Dispatch (Assignment): Read John 20:19-23. On the Street: Jesus’ disciples have barricaded themselves in a room. They are hiding, afraid of the Jewish officials who had pushed for the crucifixion of Jesus. On fac…


Briefing: Have you ever known any prideful or arrogant officers or agents? Law enforcement is a job that gives the LEO a certain amount of authority which if misused can lead to arrogance. Have you ever known someone with a “heavy badge”? Dispatch (Assignment):Can pride be good? What comes to mind when you think of pride? List some synonyms of pride. Read Proverbs 3:5-7. On the Street: This is a…


Briefing: When the “Dallas Five” were murdered, I went to two of the funerals. I was emotionally and physically drained afterward. I can’t imagine what it would be like to attend all five but I know officers who did and they were exhausted. This was nothing compared to the grief and exhaustion of the families. Dispatch (Assignment): Read Psalm 137. On the Street: Emotions and feelings remind u…