Briefing: I have a friend who is overly kind and friendly to everyone. Most people meet him and are immediately suspicious, thinking he wants something or is buttering them up. There are people who don’t like him because he is so nice, it makes them uncomfortable. Others are jealous of his personality and hate him for it.
Dispatch (Assignment): Read Psalm 59.
On the Street: Background on this psalm, King Saul had sent men to watch David’s house in order to kill him. This can be found in 1 Samuel 19:11-14. King Saul was jealous of David and wanted him dead.
Have you ever had people come after you because of jealousy? Verses 1-8 explain the evils that are mounting against David as they look for an opportunity to destroy him.
In verse 9 David says, “O my Strength”. David is not talking about his physical strength. The S in strength is capitalized, meaning David counts God as his strength. David takes comfort in knowing his strength is not from the many battles he has fought, the ability, skill, and experience he has accumulated on the battle field. David trusts and places his hope in God alone. The rest of this verse says, “I watch for you; you O God, are my fortress, my loving God.” Proverbs 18:10 says, “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” Do you look to God during times of trouble?
In verses 12-13 David mentions something that can go for us or against us. We must be careful of our speech as well as our pride. “For the sins of their mouths, for the words of their lips, let them be caught in their pride. For the curses and lies they utter consume them in wrath, consume them till they are no more.” This is where I stop and see what side I am on. If I am not careful I can find myself being jealous of others and spewing venom from my mouth. I do not want to be the subject of someone else’s prayers about me being the evil, wicked person who goes about seeking someone to devour.
Only one person in this whole earth has the right to be jealous and that is God. When I become jealous I put myself in His place, and that is not a good place for me to be.
David leaves the jealous to God’s authority. Then in typical David style, he goes back to concentrating on what God has called him to do. “But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. O my Strength, I sing praise to you; you, O God, are my fortress, my loving God.”
When you catch yourself getting jealous, take a moment to refocus on God and ask Him for guidance and help in dealing with the situation. This takes us a long way on our journey to spiritual maturity.
Investigational Resources: 1 Samuel 19:11-14, Jeremiah 51:36.
Officer Safety Principle: Don’t let the hostility of the jealous take your focus off of God. Turn your attention to Him and praise His Holy Name.
from Psalms Through the Eyes of a Cop, Volume 1
©by Charles Gilliland. Used by permission.
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