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Praying for Others

Briefing: One of the saddest days I have experienced in my career was the death of a fellow officer and good friend. It happened early in my career at a time when I was not praying for my brothers and sisters in blue. I was not even sure of his walk with Christ. I regret that.

Dispatch (Assignment): Do you pray for your fellow law enforcement officers? Do you think it makes a difference?

On the Street: What is prayer and why is it so important? Simply put, prayer is communication with God. If you have ever been in a relationship, you know that one of the most important elements of keeping it healthy and alive is communication. If I went a month without talking to my wife, our relationship would start to deteriorate.

The same can be said with our relationship with God. We are His children and He wants a relationship with us. If my relationship with God is not good, chances are it’s because I don’t communicate with Him. Jesus tells us that we have not because we ask not (James 4:2). Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask and it will be given to you”.

The Bible tells us to pray for our fellow officers. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 says, “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness”. I believe that God hears our prayers and protects us. Jesus tells us this when He taught His disciples how to pray. We call it the Lord’s Prayer.

Here are some of the things we should be praying: We need to pray for the officers who work with us to come to a saving knowledge of Christ. We need to pray for each other’s families, relationships, finances and safety. We need to pray for the ability to do the right thing, to act with integrity and be a Christ like example to others. We also need to pray for our Chiefs and their staff to make decisions based on Truth and lead by example. This is a short list.

I always get a renewed conviction to pray for others when I read these verses. The thing that strikes me is that the paralytic does not appear to say anything. Jesus saw the faith of his friends as they brought him to Christ. That was enough for Jesus to heal him. I like to think that He will do the same for us as we pray for our fellow officers and their families.

Highlights from this Read: In verse one, it says Jesus returned to His own town, Capernaum.

In verse two, Jesus heals the paralytic of his spiritual illness before healing him of his physical condition.

In verse six, Jesus heals the man of his paralysis to prove to the crowd that He is the Christ.

Investigational Resources: You can find more about prayer in James 4. For passages about the good gifts, read Luke 11. James 5:16. Mark 2:3-12 and Luke 5:18-26 are companion passages from their perspective.

Officer Safety Principle: Start talking to God and just pour out your heart. It does make a difference.

from The Gospel of Matthew Through the Eyes of a Cop
©by Charles Gilliland. Used by permission.
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