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Corrupt Government Officials

Briefing: What precautions does your agency take to prevent corruption? Do you have an anonymous tip line you can call with information about abuses? Have you ever been faced with corruption in your agency or department?

Dispatch (Assignment): Read John 11:45-57.

On the Street: I spoke with a friend and fellow police officer today. He was telling me about a mission trip to Moldova he had just gotten back from. One of the things he mentioned was the blatant corruption. He said that it was not uncommon to see police officers engaging in prostitution while on duty. Unfortunately, Moldova is not the only government that has corrupt officials.

My wife and I like to watch docudramas about murder cases, shows like Forensic Files and Dateline. We are always surprised by the people involved in these heinous crimes. I have always been surprised when I see the ones involving government officials and law enforcement officers.

In my time as a law enforcement officer, I have seen three officers arrested while on duty. I don’t know if I should be thankful only three were arrested or be appalled that three were arrested. I’m sure it is the latter.

In this passage, we see the leaders of the Jewish people plotting to kill Jesus. As we have discussed in earlier chapters, these leaders were not just political figures. They were in charge of every aspect of Jewish leadership. These men were the judges, city council members, law makers, lawyers, and priests of the Jewish people. These men, ideally, should be of the utmost integrity and character. These leaders don’t go in a back room and hire some thugs to eliminate their problem, they call a meeting of Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin was the Jewish high court.

This sets the stage for the crucifixion. This is why Jesus came. He sacrificed Himself for us that we might have eternal life. He who had no sin became sin so that we sinners could become sinless in God’s eyes. Our sins are covered by the blood of the Lamb of God (Jesus).

One of the takeaways from this section of scriptures is that God can and will use all circumstances for His good and perfect will. God used corrupt government leaders to bring about Jesus’ crucifixion. They planned it for evil but God used it for good.

Investigational Resources: A parallel story of God using evil for good is out of Genesis. Joseph was sold into slavery as a young boy. He was wrongfully accused of a crime he did not commit and was thrown in prison but eventually become the second most powerful man in Egypt. (Genesis 37-47).

Officer Safety Principle: Keep an open mind when it comes to the “bad” circumstances in your life. God may be using it for a good outcome. Keep your spiritual eyes open.

from The Gospel of John Through the Eyes of a Cop
©by Charles Gilliland. Used by permission.
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