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Briefing: Do you have briefings in your agency? When I worked for Dallas PD, I remember briefings as very structured, informative, and serious. We were expected to be there on time and ready for duty. You did not joke around during briefing.

Dispatch (Assignment): What kind of information is covered in your briefings? Read Matthew chapter 10.

On the Street: I played football in high school. During football season, we always had a briefing before practice. At the time, I did not know it was a briefing, the coaches called it a “skull session”. I’m still not sure what skull session means but it sure sounded cool.

Jesus is about to send His disciples out into the field. Before they go, He briefs them. He tells them what their assignments are and what authority they have to do these things. He gives them some very specific parameters.

As we read this passage, Jesus gives His guys instruction on where to go, what assignments to carry out and what equipment to take. I can relate to this. There are times in our careers when our supervisors have to give us specific assignments. The information they give can be vital to the assignment. Specifics can make the difference between success and failure, life and death.

As a rookie, I wanted to chase dopers all day. There were times when my sergeant would have to give me a specific assignment. Looking back on my rookie years, I realize that at times I lacked focus. At times my sergeant had to step in and assist in directing my focus to areas of my job that I was neglecting. Jesus provides focus through specific instruction.

I like the part in verse 16 when Jesus tells them to be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Isn’t this how LEOs are to act? We have to know where and how crimes are being committed (shrewd as snakes). On the flip side, we are to have the kind of character that we should never know where or how these things happen because we don’t go there or do them (as innocent as doves).

Highlights from this Read: Verse 28 is something every person should ask themselves before considering a job in law enforcement. This is a basic, foundational question that is at the very heart of what we do, putting our lives on the line to protect and serve the people of our jurisdictions. Have you made peace with the one who can kill the body and the soul? You need to because in this job there is a chance you may run across those who want to kill the body but have no control over your soul.

Verse 32 is also foundational and vitally important to our entry into heaven. Are you ashamed of God? Do you hide the fact that you are a Christian from your fellow LEOs? Jesus tells us that we are His sheep. I don’t want Him to disown me when it comes time to stand before God.

Verse 34 mentions peace. As peace officers, I feel it is important for us to understand that there will not be peace in the world until Christ returns. The Holy Spirit works through us to keep a semblance of peace here on earth until Christ returns.

Investigational Resources: Luke’s gospel also speaks to standing up for Christ in verses 12:8-9. For more on the peace that Jesus gives, read Luke 12:51-53.

Officer Safety Principle: This briefing Jesus gave has eternal implications. Study it and KNOW what He expects of you. It’s a matter of life after death.

from The Gospel of Matthew Through the Eyes of a Cop
©by Charles Gilliland. Used by permission.
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